ArcheoFOSS 2022
Panel: Electronic Publishing and Open Science in Archaeology

Alessandra Caravale
ISPC, CNR, Rome, Italy

Alessandra Piergrossi
ISPC, CNR, Rome, Italy

Panel: Electronic Publishing and Open Science in Archaeology

In the information society, the dissemination of archaeological research results is still primarily associated with publications: monographs, miscellaneous volumes, but above all specialised journals. These have experienced in recent years a progressively digitisation process, which resulted in an increasing availability of open access resources. However, the policies adopted for the digital fruition use different forms of access to articles and their contents. The so-called OA golden road, followed by scholarly journals, can be referred to two models. The first one is based on a fee paid by the authors (APC: Article Processing Charges), while the second is the “Diamond OA” model, which instead provides free publication for both authors and readers. The panel will first give an updated overview of antiquity journals that follow the golden road, reporting common elements and dissimilarities in the Italian and European panorama.

Nowadays, data communication in archaeology exploits also channels other than “traditional” publications, thanks to the growing and massive digitization process and the availability of increasingly sophisticated technologies, which provide archaeologists with very powerful research and communication tools. These new strategies allow a decisive shift towards the Open Science paradigm through dedicated research infrastructures. Databases, websites, virtual reconstructions, but also social media help finding innovative solutions for knowledge transmission. The second objective of the panel is therefore to identify which are the ways of data dissemination used by archaeologists, with an eye to a more engaging and participatory communication.


  • A. Caravale, A. Piergrossi 2012, Archeologia in rete. Le riviste open access: risorse e prospettive, Archeologia e Calcolatori, 23, 187-207.
  • A. Caravale, A. Piergrossi 2015, Archaeological open access journals the case of «Archeologia e Calcolatori», in Proceedings of the 42 nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (Paris 2014), Oxford, 257-264.
  • V. Fromageot-Laniepce (ed.) 2019, Les pratiques de la recherche en archéologie à l’heure du numérique. L'évolution de la recherche d'information et de la publication de 1955 à nos jours, Archeologia e Calcolatori, Suppl. 12.
  • P. Moscati (ed.) 2019, 30 anni di Archeologia e Calcolatori. Tra memoria e progettualità, Archeologia e Calcolatori, 30, 9-138.