
XV | 2021

Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research

Click here to attend online to the conference works. Passcode: sa65UG2X.


ArcheoFOSS 2021

Latest news


The proceedings were published as a special issue of the Groma journal: Vol. 7 (2022): Proceedings of Archeo.FOSS XV 2021 Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research.


On 11 February 2022, the workshop “The Roman Villa of l’Albir (Alicante, Spain). The use of Blender and the Extended Matrix in the virtual recreation” will be streamed live. The workshop will be held by Jaime Molina, Carolina Frías, Javier Muñoz, Laia Fabregat, Alejandro Martín, Daniel Tejerina (University of Alicante).
Watch the live streaming on YouTube from 16.00 CET at!


ArcheoFOSS goes live tomorrow! ATTENTION: The links for the Facebook and YouTube live streams have been posted on the Watch the conference page. We remind you that you can also subscribe to the Telegram channel dedicated to this year’s edition to ask your questions! Thank you, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


News on the proceedings of the ArcheoFOSS 2020 conference The proceedings will be published as an open-access volume by Archaeopress. The volume will be available in digital format (PDF) during the works of the 2021 conference edition (23-26 Novembrer 2021) and the printed version will be available during the first week of December 2021.

During the 2021 edition works it will be possible to order a copy of the printed version and benefit of the special offer of £28.50 instead of the full price of £38.00. Please use this offer-leaflet to order your volume now!


The list of the workshops has been published! From today you can register through the forms published in the programme.


The conference programme has been published. The list of workshops and the form to register individually for each of them will be published soon.


The call closed on the 7th of July. The submitted proposals are now being evaluated!


The call for talks and workshop is now closed. A possible extension of the deadline will be comunicated within 12.00 pm today.


From now on, for questions/clarifications/updates about the conference, the Telegram channel of the 15th edition of ArcheoFOSS is operative.

Subscribe through this link:


The new call for papers and workshops for the 15th edition of ArcheoFOSS is out!

Due to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the 15th edition of the International Conference ArcheoFOSS Open Software, Hardware, Processes, Data and Formats in Archaeological Research will be held online on November, 23rd - 26th 2021.


  • Deadline for paper submission: 07/07/2021
  • Deadline for workshop submission: 07/07/2021
  • Notification of acceptance of the abstracts of speeches and workshops: 23/07/2021
  • Registration for workshops open: 04/10/2021
  • End of the pre-proceeding call for workshops: 01/09/2021
  • Publishing of the official program of the conference: 07/09/2021
  • Registration for workshops closed: 21/11/2021
  • Publishing of the official online pre-proceeding: 07/11/2021
  • Conference dates: 23/11/2021 - 26/11/2021

Map of the conference participants

Workshops and Demos are comming soon

Follow this link for the full conference programme

{ "title": "MO(v)EIT: proof of concept of a road graph for Late Antique Egypt", "url": "/2021/abstracts/bogdani", "geo": [41.90376] } { "title": "MO(v)EIT: proof of concept of a road graph for Late Antique Egypt", "url": "/2021/abstracts/bogdani", "geo": [12.51443] } { "title": "Open Source GIS for Colosseum study and management", "url": "/2021/abstracts/cella", "geo": [41.890018] } { "title": "Open Source GIS for Colosseum study and management", "url": "/2021/abstracts/cella", "geo": [12.492243] } { "title": "Un ecosistema digitale per la conoscenza, la conservazione e la valorizzazione del sito archeologico medievale di Satrianum (Tito, PZ). Strumenti FOSS", "url": "/2021/abstracts/dato", "geo": [40.647272271595085,15.808535936393572] } { "title": "Virtual Tour realizzato con Pannellum ed integrazione LeafletJS", "url": "/2021/abstracts/de-luca", "geo": [41.86206614168012] } { "title": "Virtual Tour realizzato con Pannellum ed integrazione LeafletJS", "url": "/2021/abstracts/de-luca", "geo": [12.487421320019727] } { "title": "Palaeo-landscape feature identification: a FOSS cloud-based Python approach through Google Earth Engine (GEE)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/domingo-ribas", "geo": [54.979296] } { "title": "Palaeo-landscape feature identification: a FOSS cloud-based Python approach through Google Earth Engine (GEE)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/domingo-ribas", "geo": [-1.614185] } { "title": "Using QGIS, Qfield and PyArchinit in the Maasser el-Shouf Archaeological Project (Lebanon)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/festuccia", "geo": [40.84092004695603] } { "title": "Using QGIS, Qfield and PyArchinit in the Maasser el-Shouf Archaeological Project (Lebanon)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/festuccia", "geo": [14.242501424448628] } { "title": "Combination of standardised methods to create a detailed source-based reconstruction of the Tepidarium at L’Alcudia de Elche, Alicante, Spain", "url": "/2021/abstracts/gonzalez-esteban", "geo": [50.935798828456136] } { "title": "Combination of standardised methods to create a detailed source-based reconstruction of the Tepidarium at L’Alcudia de Elche, Alicante, Spain", "url": "/2021/abstracts/gonzalez-esteban", "geo": [-1.3966928105807404] } { "title": "Qfield, pyArchinit and BraDypUS, interchange of protocols and workflows for academic research", "url": "/2021/abstracts/guarino", "geo": [44.496171] } { "title": "Qfield, pyArchinit and BraDypUS, interchange of protocols and workflows for academic research", "url": "/2021/abstracts/guarino", "geo": [11.354415] } { "title": "Using programming environments for academic research and writing", "url": "/2021/abstracts/lemmer-webber", "geo": [43.076646836619354] } { "title": "Using programming environments for academic research and writing", "url": "/2021/abstracts/lemmer-webber", "geo": [-89.41249823098676] } { "title": "The Roman Villa of l'Albir (Alicante, Spain). The use of Blender and the Extended Matrix in the virtual recreation", "url": "/2021/abstracts/molina", "geo": [38.385278218982705] } { "title": "The Roman Villa of l'Albir (Alicante, Spain). The use of Blender and the Extended Matrix in the virtual recreation", "url": "/2021/abstracts/molina", "geo": [-0.5144770348431511] } { "title": "Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) towards relational openness: development of the JSON format", "url": "/2021/abstracts/orlandi", "geo": [41.90376] } { "title": "Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) towards relational openness: development of the JSON format", "url": "/2021/abstracts/orlandi", "geo": [12.51443] } { "title": "Using QGIS, Qfield and PyArchinit in the Maasser el-Shouf Archaeological Project (Lebanon)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/oselini", "geo": [43.10226514666359] } { "title": "Using QGIS, Qfield and PyArchinit in the Maasser el-Shouf Archaeological Project (Lebanon)", "url": "/2021/abstracts/oselini", "geo": [12.395508661074732] } { "title": "Use of 3D Modelling and Open-Source Programs for Student Research Projects on the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize", "url": "/2021/abstracts/skaggs", "geo": [40.857704786368416] } { "title": "Use of 3D Modelling and Open-Source Programs for Student Research Projects on the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize", "url": "/2021/abstracts/skaggs", "geo": [-73.91236787577633] } { "title": "An open source platform addressing structural stability risk assessment in historical centers", "url": "/2021/abstracts/sketakis", "geo": [37.988608] } { "title": "An open source platform addressing structural stability risk assessment in historical centers", "url": "/2021/abstracts/sketakis", "geo": [23.732788] } { "title": "re3dragon – The archaeological FLOS REsearch REsource REgistry and API for Data Dragons", "url": "/2021/abstracts/thiery", "geo": [50.00624484318357] } { "title": "re3dragon – The archaeological FLOS REsearch REsource REgistry and API for Data Dragons", "url": "/2021/abstracts/thiery", "geo": [8.27087258777687] }